Monday, May 23, 2011


I love my dawn.
my dawny-dawnster ;)
she is an encourager and a long time friend
who has seen the ugly me and still loves me.
it could be partly because I married her brother,
but I prefer to think she still just loves me. :)

she emailed me this woman's blog that I now stalk and her blog helps me with
the WHY of why I am being more wise with what I put into my kids' bodies.

here's an excerpt from the "why mother's need to pick their priorities" post


One Thing At A Time

Imagine a child walking in to the first day of school and the teacher saying,
“Ok. We need to read Chaucer, then do some Calculus, a little Mozart
and we’ll wrap up with AstroPhysics.”
Those are all important things.
But they are NOT important, in anyone’s estimation, to a first grader.
God does not address all of our faults and shortcomings at the same time.
Neither should we.
And sometimes progressing in one area means postponing progress in another.
Imagine if a football player shows up to practice and the coach says,
“First we’re going to work on our jump shot, then zone defense,
free throw shooting and dribbling.”
Those are all important skills….for a basketball player, not a football player.
When we don’t know who we are, where we are at, and where we are headed we get distracted by all the “important” things….because they are all around us.

Most mothers deal with comparison.
We feel bad because “Mrs. So and So” does such and such…and that’s REALLY important.
But is it really important to YOU?
Is it what God wants YOU to be doing right now?

Spend time with God.
Listen to His still small voice.
Know your purpose.
Pick your priorities.
Do the next thing.


this was encouraging to me today. :)

1 comment:

  1. jen i loved this post. i find myself falling into comparing, often BUT i'm learning to step back and really ask myself what is right for our family...and give myself permission to change my mind if i need to. the victory for me is having the presence of mind to even evaluate.
