Monday, May 30, 2011

little super hero.

there are simply no words to how this encouraged my maddie.
and probably in a bigger way to me.

to be honest, looking at our "pill box" is making me want to quit.
and then I got this email from my sweet friend rachel
and her son to check out asher's blog.
encouragement from someone who has it WAY worse than us...
puts a little perspective on the "do work" mentality.

thank you, rachel. very much.
and thank you,'re a super hero in our book. :)


  1. Oh, my word....that is the cutest thing I have ever seen, and such an encouragement for Maddie!! Loving reading your blog and the recipes :) And thanks for the shout-out...I would love you even if you weren't married to my brother..don't worry!

  2. Go Asher - great encouragement for Miss Maddie & grateful for that help!
